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Heat transfer comprehensive test bench

Date: 2018-09-28    Author:     Times:

The heat transfer comprehensive test bench is an important part of the system to test the fan-heat exchanger system. It can be used to test the performance of small fans, measure the parts/components or system impedance SRC characteristics, standard traffic generator, RQ test of heat dissipation performance of the system or module can be realized. The whole test is automatically completed by the system, including data acquisition, calculation, curve drawing, test report printing and test data storage.

The overall size of the test bench is 0.85 (W) × 3.6 (L) × 1.8 (H) M, the cross section size of the cavity is 0.56 (W) × 0.56 (H) M, the minimum operating size of the equipment is 2 (W) × 4.5 (L) × 2.2 (H) M, and the net weight is 600KG. Flow rate measurement range: 2.4 CFM ~ 250 CFM, INFS is the specified nozzle whole span. The maximum flow is 250 CFM capacity at 5 mmAq.