




  • 瑞士洛桑联邦理工大学工学博士  (2005)

  • 英国牛津大学博士后研究员  (2005-2009)

  • 加拿大皇后大学终身教授  (2009 -至今)

  • 美国阿贡国家实验室访问学者 (2011.06 - 2011.07)

  • 美国密西根大学访问学者 (2015.10 - 2015.11)

  • 法国巴黎大学(Saclay)访问学者 (2016.10 – 2016 .11)

  • 吉林大学教授  (2017-至今)


  • 仿生材料在核工程领域的应用;防辐射医用仿生新材料开发;纳米材料的分子动力学模拟计算;电子显微镜原子级在线观测,以及低温及高温显微技术;材料纳米级微结构表征及性能。


  • 加拿大核工程大学联络会成员

  • Heliyon (Elsevier) 编辑委员 

  • 安大略专业工程师协会成员

  • 法国EMIR辐照中心评议组成员 

  • 王宽诚教育基金 (2011)


1. A. Brooks, Z. Yao, H. Yu, M. Kirk, M. Daymond, Z. Zhou, G. Zhang, ‘Quasi in-situ energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy observation of matrix and solute interactions on YTiO oxide particles in an austenitic stainless steel under 1 MeV Kr2+ high temperature irradiation’, Acta Materialia 141, 241-250, (2017).

2. S. Di, Z Yao, MR Daymond, F Gao, ‘Dislocation-accelerated void formation under irradiation in zirconium’, Acta Materialia 82, 94-99, (2015).

3. H. Zhang, Z Yao, MR Daymond, MA Kirk, ‘Cavity morphology in a Ni based superalloy under heavy ion irradiation with cold pre-injected helium. I’, Journal of Applied Physics 115 (10), 103508, (2014).

4. D. Boyd and Z. Yao, Chapter ' Application of Modern TEM Techniques to the Study of Phase Transformations in Steels' .in Book ‘Phase Transformation in Steels’ Woodhead Publishing ISBN 978-1-84569-971-0. (2012).

5. Z. Yao, M. Jenkins, M. Hernandez-Mayoral, M. Kirk, ‘The temperature dependence of heavy-ion damage in iron: a transition in microstructure at elevated temperatures.’ Philosophical Magazine, 90 (35-36), 1478-6443, (2010).

6. Z. Yao and H. Zhang, ‘In-situ TEM Observation of Nanoscale Stacking Fault Tetrahedra in A Ni Based Superalloy Inconel X-750’, in book (Series #6.) ‘Microscopy: Advances in scientific research and education’, Edited by A. Mendez-Vilas, Formatex Research Center, Badajoz, Spain, 842–849, (2014)
